
To make the most of your initial consult, we highly recommend going through this page. While not mandatory, this information will enhance your understanding of the program in order to experience a more effective consultation.

What typically happens at an Initial Consult

You explain to Yossi who you are

You determine what general type of food plan is best for you

You create a custom plan designed for you within the framework of the general food plan type

You make sure the plan and the program are understood and followed while utilizing the provided resources


Questions You Will Likely Be Asked

  • What are your goals for this first session?
  • Where do you typically eat your meals?
  • How motivated do you feel to make changes right now?
  • Do you consume any sweetened beverages (e.g., coffee with sweetener, diet soda)?
  • Do you have time to prepare meals?
  • How well do you handle feelings of hunger?
  • Are there specific times of the day or week that are particularly challenging for you?
  • What changes are you looking to make?
  • Have you attempted to change your eating habits in the past?
  • What was your weight at the time of your initial consultation? (Note: Your current weight is important for our discussion, even if it differs from your morning weight.)
  • Are you a picky eater?
  • Would you prefer to eat two meals a day or three?

Common Questions You Might Have

What type of scale to get?

 The Amazon Greater Goods scale is highly recommended for its smart features and accurate readings. Its simple setup and color-coded indicators make it ideal for all users, including the elderly.

Additionally, an exception would be the Blind Weight Scale. It is a user-friendly numberless scale that empowers eating disorder patients to take blind weights virtually, minimizing obstacles on the journey to recovery.


How do I weigh myself?

Seeking advice from "Ask The Expert" is recommended and advisable for accurate at-home weighing.

Should I write down what Yossi tells me during the session?

Taking notes during consultations are not needed as Yossi will send a complete menu plan via email. However, taking notes during follow-up sessions is highly recommended for the best experience.

What should be my goal?

Consulting "Ask the Expert" is recommended to accurately define your goal.

How much weight will I'll lose if I follow this plan?

Initially, we don't prioritize numerical figures. It can take up to two weeks to provide an accurate estimate in some cases. However, if it's necessary, Yossi will provide answers. Generally, focusing on numbers isn't helpful for someone who is just starting out.

Choosing a Food Plan

The majority of people being put on "The Classic Diet" and a small number of people do better on "The Lean Protein Diet". 

The Classic Diet follows a structured meal plan where each meal and snack specifies the number of calories to consume. Supper is divided into mains and sides, also with specified calorie counts. Every meal and snack must be healthy and contain adequate protein.

When on this diet, it's crucial to consult before trusting nutrition labels or claims about calorie content in store-bought items. 

The Lean Protein Diet focuses on eating mainly lean protein sources. By sticking to this diet, your body burns fat for energy instead of carbs. With fat providing 9 calories per gram compared to carbs' 4 calories per gram, you can burn more calories—up to 5625 per day on the LPD. However, eating anything not on the LPD sets you back to burning 2500 calories a day for the next two days. For the best results, stick to lean protein for consistent fat burning.

If you think you can determine which diet suits you, that's better for you. 

Creating the Food Plan

Find out more about The Classic Diet

Classic Diet Track 1 - Most adult males end up using track 1 

Classic Diet Track 2 - Most adult women and children end up doing better with track 2

Yossi decides which track you will do.

Classic Diet - Track 1

  • Yossi starts with a blank food plan 
  • Then, based on your needs, preferences, strengths, experience, challenges, personality, schedule, and other relevant factors, Yossi suggests options from a master list or database of foods.
  • Yossi will likely suggest options from this masterlist (Link to masterlist). For clarity on what specific food options require, please refer to our food guidelines FAQs (Link to specific FAQs, likely under the 'diet section' questions, such as definitions for WW, fruits, and cereals).
  • Yossi determines the appropriate number of daily snacks, usually 2 or 3.
  • Once you both agree on the plan, Yossi will email you the finalized version. Please note that your food plan may look quite different from the sample provided.(Link to sample)

Classic Diet - Track 2

  • Yossi begins by creating a customized food plan from scratch
  • Then, based on your needs, preferences, strengths, experience, challenges, personality, schedule, and other relevant factors, Yossi suggests options from a master list or database of foods.
  • Yossi determines the appropriate number of daily snacks, usually 2 or 3.
  • Once you both agree on the plan, Yossi will email you the finalized version. Please note that your food plan may look quite different from the sample provided.


Find out more about the Lean Protein Diet

  • Yossi begins by creating a customized food plan from scratch.
  • Then, based on your needs, preferences, strengths, experience, challenges, personality, schedule, and other relevant factors, Yossi suggests options from a master list or database of foods.
  • Yossi will likely suggest options from a masterlist of food options. For clarity on what specific food options entail, please refer to our food guidelines FAQs (Link to specific FAQs, likely under the 'diet section' questions, such as definitions for WW, fruits, and cereals).
  • Once you both agree on the plan, Yossi will email you the finalized version. Please note that your food plan may look quite different from the provided sample.

Yossi will email you the food plan along with the rules, guidelines, and FAQs.

Following the initial consultation, Yossi will inquire about your planned meals for the next 24 hours. It is important to begin the plan after the initial consultation, although exceptions can be made in extreme circumstances. Additionally, you will be requested to text your daily food intake, ideally after each meal, as part of the standard protocol. Yossi may also send you images or documents of relevant foods or discussed recipes to further support your plan.

The majority of people are put on "The Classic Diet," which follows a structured meal plan specifying the number of calories for each meal and snack. Supper includes mains and sides with specified calorie counts. Every meal and snack must be healthy and contain adequate protein.

When on this diet, it's crucial to consult before trusting nutrition labels or claims about calorie content in store-bought items.

A smaller number of people do better on "The Lean Protein Diet" (LPD). This diet focuses on eating mainly lean protein sources, shifting your body to burn fat for energy instead of carbs. Fat provides 9 calories per gram compared to carbs' 4 calories per gram, allowing for potentially higher calorie burn—up to 5625 calories per day on the LPD. However, consuming anything not on the LPD resets calorie burning to 2500 calories a day for the next two days. For the best results, stick to lean protein for consistent fat burning.

If you think you can determine which diet suits you, that's better for you.

How to Navigate the Website

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.

Online Course

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.

Diet Guidelines

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque finibus commodo nibh, ut elementum velit sollicitudin at. Donec suscipit commodo risus. Nunc vel orci eget ligula elementum consequat. Fusce velit erat, convallis scelerisque aliquet ut, facilisis egestas tellus. Quisque sit amet sapien placerat, ultricies sapien ut, vestibulum ex.